
更新日: 2017年06月28日


お昼しか来られない学生はランチ食べながらでも OK です。

6th Thursday English Village June 22, 2017

Georgia さんによると今回は人数が普通より少なかった分、長く、深く会話が出来、良かったです!この絶好のチャンスを是非つかんでください!”Practice makes perfect”!

A message from Georgia:

We had fewer students this time, but they all stayed for a longer time! We were able to have good conversations with them!

3rd Friday English Village June 23, 2017

金曜日の第 3 回目の英語村を開催しました。
今回 Malaurie さんと学生は「寒さ」についてチャットしたそうです!何て意外なトピックでしょう。


When I reached English Village, I saw four students and Malaurie talking about “coldness”: What cold experiences have you had? The topic seems to have come from journal pages which the president brought in the morning. They have photos and articles on polar bears.

Malaurie さんからのメッセージ:

Hello! I’m Malaurie, a French woman who lives in the area and learned English like you. Let’s chat in English about various subjects. Relax and join in! Give it a try.

It sounds like such fun! Won’t you join us?
Hope to see you there!

Mary Aruga, Mayor of English Village