オンライン英語村第3週目 (7月2日)&第4週目 (7月9日)

更新日: 2020年07月20日

オンライン英語村第3週目 (7月2日)



This week we successfully launched our 3 Activity Breakout Rooms.

Breakout Room Level Teacher
Conversation Starter Beginner Michael
Quizzes Upper begineer – intermediate Alana
Open Conversation Any level Katrina


We’d like to encourage everyone to try each of the breakout rooms so that you can meet with all of the teachers and challenge your English in multiple ways.

See you next week!






今週の 英語村 “Open Talk” ルームでは、プラスチックゴミを減らして環境負荷を低減させる取り組みについてのディスカッションが行われました。日本ではちょうど7月1日から買い物の際のビニール袋が有料化されましたね。(ちなみに、英語ではビニール袋を “plastic bags” と言います。)皆さんはこの他に、環境汚染を解決するのに効果的な方法を思いつくことは出来ますか。また、そのアイディアを英語で表現することは出来るでしょうか。ぜひ英語村に来て先生たちと話してみてください。


ところで、英語で「汚染」表す時によく用いる単語に “contamination” と “pollution” の二つがあります。この二つは混同しやすいのですが、意味の違いがあります。カトリーナ先生が下のエッセイで違いを分かりやすく説明してくれています。これらは環境問題や気候変動、その他様々なトピックについて話すときに頻出するボキャブラリーです。意味と用法を理解することで、現在世界中で行われている、地球環境をめぐる議論の理解が深まることでしょう。


Last week may have been gloomy due to one rainy day after the other. But everything was bright and cheery at the EV on Thursday.

During one of the “Open Conversation” sessions we discussed about Japan’s latest step to reduce plastic waste – Stores are no longer providing free plastic bags! How has this impacted your life? Do you feel this step will help us protect the environment?

When talking about this environmental issue we discovered that the words contaminate and pollute are the same word in Japanese 汚す. But in English they have separate meanings.


Contamination is the presence of something that should not be there.

Contamination can

  • Occur naturally
  • Or be caused by humans
  • May cause harm to humans, animals, the environment
  • May not cause harm to humans, animals, the environment

For example: We need clean water for drinking. Governments around the world do their best to keep drinking water safe. But sometimes after a flood our drinking water can become “contaminated” with flood water.


Pollution is when a contaminate causes harm to the person, animal, environment.


  • Is caused by humans
  • Frequently causes harm to humans, animals, the environment

For example: We need clean water for drinking. Governments around the world do their best to keep drinking water safe. But sometimes companies are careless and pollute our rivers and lakes. These pollutants can enter our drinking water and make us sick.


When using these words remember these 2 simple rules.

  1. You can have a contaminated area without it being polluted,
  2. You can’t have a polluted area without it being contaminated.


Gloomy (adjective): dark or poorly lit, which causes someone to feel depressed

Gloomy days make me feel unmotivated. I can’t wait for the sun to return!

Bright and cheery (adjectives): Happy, merry

Susan has a bright and cheery personality.

