
更新日: 2024年07月04日











This weekend, we were thrilled to host 12 students for our annual summer mini-homestay program. Leading up to the event, we were concerned about the weather with the rainy season just beginning, especially since many of our activities were planned outdoors. Fortunately, on the day of the mini-homestay program, we were blessed with perfect weather. After everyone settled in, we kicked off the day with a treasure hunt. The previous day’s rain and some cloud cover created ideal hiking conditions. As we transitioned to a BBQ and various outdoor games, the sun emerged, providing us with flawless weather.

This year, we welcomed French exchange students and took advantage of the opportunity to introduce a surprise game, Pétanque, a beloved pastime in France. This addition enriched our program with a third cultural exchange dimension. After wrapping up the BBQ and outdoor activities, we gathered around a fire to roast marshmallows before some personal time at the local onsen. Later, we enjoyed a light dinner followed by a nature craft activity.

The following morning, after breakfast, we engaged in indoor card and board games centered around global awareness. Before we knew it, it was time to bid farewell, but not before capturing memories with group photos. We extend our gratitude to all participants for making this program memorable.

We hope you had a fantastic time and look forward to seeing you at the next English Village.