オンライン英語村第1週目 (6月18日)
更新日: 2020年06月26日
- わからない単語を教えて下さりありがとうございます!楽しく過ごせました!!
- うまく受け答えできず黙ってしまう時がありましたが、答えやすいように言い方を教えてくださったり優しい表現をしてくださり会話できたような気になれて良い経験になりました。先生が優しくて、参加しやすい雰囲気で迎えてくださりありがとうございました。
- Nice talking with everyone! I had a wonderful time. I would like to join English Village again!
- Talking in English was fun and it was good experience for me. Thank you very much.
EV June 18th.
It was really wonderful to restart the English Village via Zoom! We were amazed at the amount of participants. You have all become professional “zoomers”. Thank you for your patience while we got use to using the new platform.
How do you feel about the online platform? We felt that on the one hand it’s sad that we can’t play any exciting games via the online platform, but on the other hand we were able to focus more on conversation time which has many benefits!
Today the main topic of conversation was about how much the novel corona virus has changed our lives. Just think, one day you will be telling your story of “How I survived the novel corona virus” to your descendants. Can you imagine that?!
As future members of the scientific community, have you had any ideas on ways to cure or prevent future diseases? What about ways to improve the lives of those who must stay isolated from their family and friends while in quarantine? Let’s talk about it at the next EV!
Until then we hope that you will all continue to stay safe!
PS We would like to request that you change your name into romaji once you enter the zoom meeting. For example 坂本賢友 would become Kento (or you could use your nickname, for example Ken). This will help conversation time to flow more smoothly. Thank you.