更新日: 2023年10月17日
Bonjour! Hello! こんにちは!
なんとフランスからの留学生は6名でした!!英語村第7回の報告です。Noé君とPierre君に引き続き、もう一人の男子留学生(Martin君)と3人の女子留学生(Meijeさん、Jadeさん[翡翠?] Capucineさん[金蓮花?]-綺麗な名前ですね)が参加してくれました。

院生の数もまたぐっと増えて素敵な交流の輪が広まっていることが分かります。ホワイトボードに大きな地図を貼り付けて院生が出身地を紹介します。公立大学だけあって出身地も長野、山梨、愛知、三重、静岡とさまざま。各地の名物やグルメなどお国自慢を一生懸命に伝えます。かたや留学生たちもフランス西部のAngers (アンジェ)やRenne (レンヌ)、南西部のLyon (リヨン)など個性的な風景や歴史を持つ地方の出身でした。もっともっと互いの文化を知りたいという思いが部屋中に弾けました。
Q1. 英語村でどんなことが興味深かったですか。
Q2. 英語村でどんなことをしたいですか。
Q3. 日本についてもっと知りたいことやしたいことは何ですか。
Michaelさんのテーブルに来てくれた学生さんたちは友達同士。UNOのようなゲームを英語だけを使って楽しんでいるうちにゲーム回数が増えていくにつれてカードの種類が増え、ゲームの内容が少しずつ難しくなってきていることに気づいたそうです。でもやはりこれも気づいたら英語だけのQ & Aで、その自然な流れに乗っていたそうです。これなら無理なく英会話の自信をつけることができますね。
EV #7
Today the rest of the French exchange students came to English Village to introduce themselves and their hometowns. They introduced different delicious French foods, which made us all very hungry for lunch!
As none of the students are from Paris, we were able to learn about other cities in France, which was very interesting. We learned that outside of Paris there are coastal towns and mountain villages, each with their own outdoor activities, heritage sites, and local cuisines to explore.
The students from SUS asked many interesting questions. One of the most interesting exchanges was about apartment sizes. We explained to the French students how home sizes are measured in Japan first by the number of rooms (1 through ??) and then whether or not they have a L (living room) D (dining room) K (kitchen).
Many Japanese university students live in 1K apartments, which they feel are small. They asked if the apartments in France were larger. We were surprised to learn that in some places in France they also have small apartments, with one student explaining that they even shared a 1K sized apartment with another student.
One more exciting exchange was finding out that students both from SUS and France had the same favorite anime. We were surprised to learn that the French students grew up watching anime on television in France.
We hope that more students will join us next week to tell the French students about Japanese history, culture, and places to visit. See you next week!
Please do join us Tuesdays. Drop in any time from 10:20-13:20 (even ten minutes is OK!) – let’s have fun together!