
更新日: 2024年05月22日




A big shout-out* to all the students who joined us for our second English Village! In addition to meeting more freshmen, it was wonderful to reunite with several students from last year and hear about your winter vacation activities.

In the upcoming English Villages, we’re eagerly anticipating the arrival of more students from France. We’re excited about the prospect of organizing a cultural exchange between these students and our Japanese counterparts. Stay tuned for the confirmed dates!

For students interested in studying abroad, Amanda (Specially Appointed Associate Professor at the Center for International Exchange) is your go-to person**. She’s well-versed in the subject and ready to provide guidance.

We look forward to seeing you at the next English Village!


Useful English Vocabulary

*Shout-out: noun (informal) – An expression of gratitude or appreciation towards a person or thing, typically through a public mention or acknowledgment. For example: “I’d like to give a shout-out to my dad for his invaluable support.”

**Go-to person: noun – Someone you can always ask for help or advice. This person knows a lot about a certain topic and is happy to share their knowledge with you. They’re like a helpful friend you can rely on when you need assistance.